Sunday, January 20, 2008

new blog for a new year!

please update your links and join me at the new blog!
there is going to be a blog special this week as i celebrate my birthday! so keep an eye out!

fluff - the blog

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

happy halloween

a few pumpkin pics. will get some costume pics up soon :)

some more quick looks

ok. i am so bad at updating and even worse at writing. anyone who knows me knows i am a talker, not a writer. i wish i did write more. (sometimes i wish i talked less) :) but
here are a few more favorites from the past week!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

welcome to this world

my newest nephew. welcome to the world little davis!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

catching up

ok. here are some quick peaks there are more to come. . . . . .

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Here are a few from a family that I had the privledge to meet recently. They have three sweet little ones. We were mostly getting some pictures of the oldest daughter, she was such as pretty little girl! Here are a few favorites!

Look for a fall newsletter to emailed out in the next week or two! Please send me an email to to subscribe. There will be some information on upcoming holiday ordering deadlines and pricing!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Holiday Reminder

There are only 2 sessions left between now and the holiday deadline and 4 for the rest of the year. Please email or call soon to get in on the last open sessions!

Look for a holiday card gallery to be up soon (link will be posted here) and more information!